About the Artist

About The Artist

Aug 18, 2023


Hello. My name is Vincent. 

You will not find a picture of me on this website because I value my privacy.  You also will not hear me say my Art is "Great" or even "Good" because that feels arrogant to me and it's for you to decide, not me.  

It is not "Is this art good?" 

It is "Is this art good FOR YOU?"

Everyone has their own tastes and preferences for "Art" just as everyone has their own taste in music or movies. However, I will confess that I am never satisfied with any of my creations.  I will spend many MANY hours on just once piece but no matter how much attention I give it, in the end I will only see lines and shades and wonder about each one. Is this curve too sharp? Is it sharp enough? Did i make this shadow under the eye too dark? Should I count how many flakes I made in the iris and compare it to the other eye? I question every stroke I make and am never satisfied.  I can only hope that, after all of the work, someone out there is satisfied. After all, this is my bread and butter.

Why I Choose Grayscale Art

I work in pencil art. Charcoal and Graphite. You see, I am pretty colorblind. Severe Red-Green and Mild Blue-Green.  So, yes, I do see colors. But no the way you do.  

For example, both sides of this image appear the same to me:

And that's just the Red-Green part of my colorblindness.   

So I draw in only grayscale to avoid having people appear too yellow or too blue or however else I may not be able to predict.

Why I Choose Fantasy Themes

I deal mostly with fantasy art.  I wish for it to imply a story or a unique idea.  Without "Fantasy" there would be no way to take a break from "Reality."  Also, as the famed author Lloyd Alexander said "Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it."  Movies such as "Sucker Punch", "A Monster Calls", "Pan's Labyrinth" (original title "El laberinto del fauno" or "Labyrinth of the Faun") are all about how fantasy helps us escape from reality while, at the same time, give us a way to reframe and process reality until we can face it.

So yes, Fantasy is my favorite art theme.

Many of my art pieces blur the lines and make one rethink two contrasts. Such as "Good and Evil" or "Scary and Innocent" or even "Up and Down." My hope is that the viewer will pause and reconsider their initial impression. Spur thought and imagination and a seach for deeper meaning.

That's long-winded enough. I hope I've managed to create something you appreciate.  Either way, I'll keep trying to get better.